One Size Pocket Nappy

One Size Pocket Nappy


A washable diaper that you can use from birth until your baby is toilet trained? That's HappyBear's pocket diaper! The pocket diapers are easy to use, comfortable for your baby and made of the best quality fabrics in the nicest prints.

Your baby's bottom stays dry and soft for longer thanks to the waterproof, yet breathable outer layer and the suede fabric on the inside. All HappyBear pocket diapers have double drains, which reduces the risk of leaks and spray diapers.

Buy different sizes of diapers? That is no longer necessary. You adjust the pocket diaper using the press studs on the front. 

You get the pocket diaper with one four-layer microfibre insert and one four-layer bamboo insert. The HappyBear inserts absorb a lot. Do you have older children who pee more? Then you can add additional boosters too. You put the inserts in the pocket opening of the diaper, then place the microfibre booster on top. 

Use HappyBear handy bamboo inserts for collecting faeces. After changing, simply throw the insert in the trash.

  • Adjustable in size (one size)
  • Can be used from birth to potty training
  • Double drains - less chance of leaks
  • Double pocket opening
  • Suitable for children from about 4kg to 15kg